Monday, June 19, 2006


Einsteins Redux, Again

This is apparently "new episodes" week at the Playhouse. (You didn't think we'd abandoned this site, did you? We just had a few weeks vacation!)

We caught a new Little Einsteins for the first time in ages, and - once again - they used a piece of music that had already been used. Nicolay Rimsky-Korsakov's Flight of the Bumblebee. It was featured in The Northern Nightlight, as the silly song that Quincy sings to get over his fear of the dark while the team helps Mama Reindeer find Baby Reindeer in Lapland.

In case you haven't heard it (okay, you must have heard it, even if you didn't know the name of the piece), Bumblebee isn't exactly the most singable classical work out there. So both episodes feature the kids doing a lot of humming and making nonsense noises while adding a three or four syllable phrase at the end of the featured snippet.

It was a bit of a stretch to use Flight of the Bumblebee the first time around, but it was really annoying this morning. And again, why not something else? To the best of my knowledge, they've never used Beethoven's Fifth Symphony or Strauss's Blue Danube waltz.

There's plenty of good stuff out there, Playhouse Disney! Get some new music already!

This was bugging the crap out of me too!

I'm glad someone else pointed it out.
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